Compare Lira Rate

أسعار صرف الدولار من أهم المصادر في لبنان

OMT Rates Today

from the top Sources, Websites & APPs in Lebanon

System Health Check: Latest Update 2025-03-24 23:25:04

OMT Rate

Exchange Rate Today

OMT Rate: 42,000 LL

2024-08-20 18:00:00

~about 7 months ago

The Top Lebanses Market Exchange Rates Comparison Web App

Disclaimer: We do not Sell, Buy nor Exchange Money

OMT Rate

Exchange Rate Today

OMT Rate: 107 LL

2023-09-12 11:30:00

~about 1 year ago

The Top Lebanses Market Exchange Rates Comparison Web App

Disclaimer: We do not Sell, Buy nor Exchange Money

OMT Rate

Exchange Rate Today

OMT Rate: 42,000 LL

2023-02-14 10:21:52

~about 2 years ago

The Top Lebanses Market Exchange Rates Comparison Web App

Disclaimer: We do not Sell, Buy nor Exchange Money

OMT Rate

Exchange Rate Today

OMT Rate: 42,000 LL

2023-01-11 15:55:00

~about 2 years ago

The Top Lebanses Market Exchange Rates Comparison Web App

Disclaimer: We do not Sell, Buy nor Exchange Money

OMT Rate

Exchange Rate Today

OMT Rate: - LL

~about just now

The Top Lebanses Market Exchange Rates Comparison Web App

Disclaimer: We do not Sell, Buy nor Exchange Money

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الأعلى في تاريخ أميركا.. بيع بوسطن سيلتكس مقابل أكثر من 6 مليارات دولار
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الأعلى في تاريخ أميركا.. بيع بوسطن سيلتكس مقابل أكثر من 6 مليارات دولار

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Money Transfer Lebanon?
  • With Lebanon’s collapsing banking system, people haven’t been able to easily access their dollars stuck in Lebanese banks. It’s so bad that there’s even a name for those stuck dollars: Lollar.

Money Transfer companies in lebanon?
  • 1. Online Money Transfer (OMT) SAL Internal/External
  • 2. BOB Finance SAL Internal/External
  • 3. Cash United SAL Internal/External
  • 4. Transfer International SAL Internal/External
  • 5. OCI (Online Cash International) SAL External
  • 6. Wings International Money Transfer SAL External
  • 7. Sigma Money Transfer SAL External
  • 8. Masri Money Express SAL External
  • 9. Silva Exchange – Gostanian Exchange Co. External
  • 10. International Exchange Co. SARL External
  • 11. Pinpay SAL
  • 12. Whish Money SAL
  • 13. OTP SAL

With Lebanon’s collapsing banking system, people haven’t been able to easily access their dollars stuck in Lebanese banks. It’s so bad that there’s even a name for those stuck dollars: Lollar.

As a result, people are having to rely on family members abroad to send money and help keep them afloat.

Lebanese abroad are helping thousands of families in Lebanon stay on their feet during these unprecedented times by providing financial support through Lebanon’s leading provider of money transfer services, Online Money Transfer (OMT), Western Union’s first accredited agent in Lebanon.

With the current Lira-to-USD exchange rate, a transfer of as little as $200 each month can make even more than the value of a $1,000 monthly salary before the economic crash.

In April, a decision by the Central Bank (BDL) imposed pay-outs of instant money transfers coming from abroad in LBP exclusively.

This made the living situation increasingly difficult for the Lebanese. Then came along the Beirut Port explosion on August 4th, which severely exacerbated the situation.

However, it was then that the Banque Du Liban (BDL) allowed people to collect money transfers in USD once again.

Nearly every Lebanese person has at least a relative living abroad. In fact, the Lebanese diaspora is at least 3 times the population of Lebanon, with conservative estimates placing it at 12 million.

OMT noted the tremendous concern and support from expats standing in solidarity with their loved ones in Lebanon.

“150,000 families, each month, receive money transfers from abroad in cash and USD through OMT,” said Chairman Toufic Mouawad.

A total of $100 million is transferred through their international money transfer service each month to help Lebanese cover their basic daily needs during these difficult times.

According to OMT, an average of $600 per transfer is sent from abroad to help loved ones cover their daily living expenses in this ongoing economic situation. 60% of inbound transfers amount to an average of $300.

These international money transfers through OMT and similar services have been the oxygen of the Lebanese economy. They are a significant source of instant and fresh USD – a currency that has been running dry in Lebanon.

Despite the pandemic, OMT continued to serve its customers through its network across the country. It has taken necessary preventive measures in its headquarters and across all its locations to ensure the safety of its customers and staff.

We do not sell or buy nor exchange money, and we are not the ones who determine the daily exchange rate for the dollar.

We only publish it on our website according to what is being circulated from the top Sources, Websites & APPs in Lebanon.

Very clearly we mention the "Source Name" next to the dollar rate, or usd to lebanese Lira exchange rate.

the data contained in this website is not necessarily real-time nor accurate

نحن لا نبيع ولا نشتري ولسنا من يحدد سعر الصرف اليومي للدولار, نحن فقط ننشره على موقعنا حسب ما يتم تداوله عبر المواقع الإلكترونية ووسائل الإعلام المحلية والتطبيقات.

بوضوح شديد نذكر "اسم المصدر" بجانب سعر الدولار ، أو الدولار الأمريكي مقابل الليرة اللبنانية.

أن البيانات الواردة في هذا الموقع ليست بالضرورة دقيقة أو في الوقت الفعلي

Terms and conditions:

This website is not an official website for any bank, or any related entity that affects the prices of the dollar exchange, lira price or rate in Lebanon.

We do not sell or buy nor exchnage money, and we are not the ones who determine the daily exchange rate for the dollar.

We only publish it on our website according to what is being circulated from the top Sources, Websites & APPs in Lebanon.

Very clearly we mention the "Source Name" next to the dollar rate, or usd to lebanese Lira exchange rate.

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Go like our facebook page: ( Compare Lira Rate ) Where you can compare Lebanese Lira Rate - الدولار اليوم to US Dollars

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